Friday, October 24, 2014

Red Sand

 Last Eid Holiday we decided to try the Red Sand that we heard so much about. I had a chance to take some landscapes photos. Red Sand is  just few miles outside the City of Riyadh. I really love the desert!

So here are some of the photos that I took.

I use Canon IXUX 145 which only cost 80 US dollars.

This our view going to the Red Sand
ATV Motors that you can rent.
This is our view at the top of the Sand Dunes
Oops you cannot go beyond this point.
The sand is so soft.
Going home the mountains turned red because of the sunset.
We ate our snacks under this bridge.

So guys what do you think? Do I have a potential? haha

So excited for my DSLR. What is the best DSLR for Beginners? I am thinking Nikon D7100. What should I get?

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